Contact us

Here you can find out how to reach us!

Through the usage of Marigold many questions and feature requests reach us. We always try to be a good point of contact for you.

First we would thank you to checkout our existing documentation from Marigold before you contact us. It is always good to explore the content of this website, it may help you with your problem.

Also you can have a look on our FAQ's and About us page.

You find alternative contact possibilities below.

If you have a general question:

If you have a general question regarding Marigold or the Design-System, you should ask this in our Slack Channel #design-system (internal only).

That can be for example:

  • Where can I find the Marigold Figma File?
  • What is the need of a specific property?
  • Do you know how to align elements in <Inline>?
  • ...

We want to create a community feeling in the channel, so feel free to help other people as well! 🙂

If you have a specific question:

If you have a question which regards more explaination, you should ask for a meeting in the Channel. It’s easier for us to understand your current problem. It is important for us to gather enough time and focus on your problem.

For example:

  • something special with your settings/ application
  • a complicated case which is hard to write down
  • code review
  • ...

Remember even if it’s just 20 min, its better than 30+ slack messages

Ask your Area Designer, if you are the Area Designer please contact the UX/UI CoP (internal only) or write in #design-system (internal only).

For feature requests:

If you need a certain component or feature in your application, which is currently not in Marigold please write us a feature request in our Support Board (internal only). If you don't feel confident in this you can also reach out to the Design System PO (@Katharina Ochmann). We take care of your request.

For example:

  • I need component XY
  • I want that the Table supports XY
  • ...

I want to use Marigold:

If you want to use Marigold the first time, please ask the Design System PO (@Katharina Ochmann) or in our Design System Channel (internal only) for a meeting, so we can give you an introduction and help by setup.


If you notice something broke or doesn’t work as before, please write us a Bug Ticket in Jira (internal only). Please also create an example of your problem in StackBlitz. We will have a look on it and prioritize this case.

When it’s fixed we let you know 🙂

One thing left!

If something else is on your mind please contact us via slack or go by our office. We are always happy to help!